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What is
Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses electronic mail to promote commercial products or services to current or prospective customers. It is one of the oldest forms of internet marketing, before social media, and is still highly effective today.

Why is it important?

Email Marketing allows you to increase your brand awareness, drive conversions, boost sales, and build credibility. 

Of all the forms of digital marketing email marketing delivers one of the best returns on investment (ROI), estimated to be around $42 dollars for every dollar spent.

Email is also perfect for personalized and targeted messages. You can speak directly to your potential customers and have an offer specially crafted for their needs. This method is incredibly effective when it comes to closing sales and building trust.

How Can We Help?

We work with along side you to craft a customized email strategy that fits your business needs. Whether that is building relationships, boosting awareness, generating leads, marketing products, promoting content or nurturing leads.

We will help you design your campaign and make sure your messaging is clear and concise. You are competing with every other message in your customers inbox so it's important to make sure your messaging is unique and engaging.

We will also analyze and measure the results of your email campaign. This is vital because we use this data to see which techniques are working and which techniques need to be further developed. We continuously optimize your campaign to achieve maximum results.

© 2022 by America First Marketing

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